March 30, 2014

The New Culture of Healthcare Reform

Bravo to Nina Nashif, founder of Healthbox, who designed an ecosystem for healthcare innovations to meet support and move to implementation QUICKLY. This is unheard of in most healthcare development circles, and mirrors the high tech business acceleration culture in it’s design. As a result, true healthcare reform is being formed from the inside out; as it should. Nina is highlighted in this Entrepreneur women to watch article.
March 23, 2014

The Resurgence of an Ancient Philosophy

In Ariana Huffington’s new book, “Thrive,” an old concept is being made new again; that nothing in the outside world is the key to our peace. Great leaders of the past, like Marcus Aurelius, and countless others, wrote their version of this wisdom for their own generations to follow.
March 16, 2014

The Atmosphere You Create Influences Others

Are you contagious? Not only are your germs available to be passed from person to person, but so, it turns out, is your presence. As we used to say in the Air Force, are you going to be lift, or drag?
March 9, 2014

Listening to Your Gut is Old Wisdom and New Science

“Gut decisions” are part of an important instinct system that need to be heeded and not ignored. If a treatment or medicine doesn’t “feel” right for you, be sure to get further explanation on it’s purpose and the strategy behind the treatment. Not doing so can actually align you towards experiencing more negative side effects of the medication and/or treatment; a phenomenon called the “nocebo” effect. So, listen to your […]
March 2, 2014

How Having a Disease Can Help Another

Patients, your experience with your own health care challenges are INVALUABLE! Former chief health strategist at Google, Roni Zeiger, aims to leverage the knowledge of experienced patients, so that they may help other patients new to their disease. Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook have hashtags and groups to help to accelerate this era of patient-centric conferencing. For crowdsourcing your solutions, check out websites like and