July 29, 2015

The biology of stress

In April, the Wellsmart team were in New York for a speaking event and a conference. In between, we found the time to film some informative discussions between Dr. Coleman and Carey Davidson, the founder and CEO of Tournesol Wellness. One of these discussions was how stress creates a competition among hormones in the body, contingent upon the needs which are generated from our mind’s own response: The Wellsmart Vimeo channel now features other […]
July 28, 2015
Medical education & illustration

Medical education doesn’t have to be boring!

Image: Medmovie.com Have we ever REALLY learned anything from the pamphlets offered at medical clinics?  Most of the time content included in this literature seems like a tutorial in common sense rather than an opportunity to truly learn something about the fascinating bodies that we wear. If you’ve been keeping an eye on our newsletters and social media posts, you’ll know that Wellsmart has been delving into the world of medical education. During the filming […]