Earth Day is Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015. Paying homage to Mother Nature on her special day may require no further looking, than inward… to our own bodies, where the same blueprint that forms the function of forests, oceans and space ecosystems, exist and thrive, for us, as well. Let’s take a journey, with pictures, to our own inner space, to see just how similar we all are.
Wise persons from all cultures have known that we are connected to basic laws of form and function that govern larger systems. Science explains this as a “microcosm of a macrocosm. ” Sometimes, it can be all too easy to see the world as in relation to “us,” when, in fact, it is about our relationship with all of it. This concept, when truly realized, will carve a sincere space for this holiday in your heart.
The picture of a brain cell, with twin-like identity to the photo of the universe; with it’s networking connections, called dendrites, and a central station called the nucleus.
The picture of a universe, so similar to the brain cell, with it’s networking connections of galaxies, stars and dark matter with a central station of galaxies and suns in a tightly grouped cluster.
The Eye of God Nebula, a collection of interstella dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases. Over time, this collection will form the creation of a star or planet.
The circulatory system of tiny arteries in our body filters the tissue around it by an exchange system: giving nutrients to the surrounding tissue, and absorbing waste products that have accumulated in the tissue from it’s own metabolic processes.
This is our own inner ear, called the Cochlea. It shares the spiral qualities of geometry called Golden Mean Ratio, which allows for the most sharing of information without destructive interference to any matter around it. This form of geometry is used throughout nature.
A Chambered Nautilus sea shell, cut vertically to show the inner workings, which mirror the SAME architectural relationships as the inner ear. The field of mathematics that govern nature designs is known as Fractals.
Image credits: Top, Shaylee-rose.